AI in Medicine
Nothing is more excited in our era than the rise of AI, specially in MedTech. Everything about it, involves medical professionals, scientists, business knowledge, and tech professionals. It's combined so many interests from different backgrounds, and very different from working in the traditional health care system. Here are some of the things that I did in this space:
2022 : Course and Makeathon
July –– LMU AIM: Programmierkurs
After visiting the Programmierkurs from LMU AIM (now OneAIM codeLab) in 2022, my interest skyrocketed and this course really gave me beautiful core memory with AI Programming: finding out, I'm not alone, and other medical students and science researchers also interested in this field rapidly over the last years.

© 2022 Cindy Yoseffa. All the topics at LMU AIM Programmierkurs.
You can watch my second day in this course in this TikTok video ☺️✨
@cindyyoseffa @cindyyoseffa More explanation in the comments section ☺️ #aiinmedicine #aimlmu #medizinstudium #studyingmedicine #medizinstudieren #medizinstudenten
♬ Relaxing lofi music(1014185) - Akase
October –– TUM.ai: Makeathon
I was a bit late with the application and so lucky to got in. It was a fun experience, where I and three other computer science students built an AI Product for dermatologists around the world to detect early skin cancer in patients.
I learned how to research data and create a great pitch in very short time. It took us three days to finish it. The very first day was got to know each other and understand the valuing system from investors. The second and third day was where we made our product into a real solution and pitched them.
My teammates didn't sleep for the last day, because our AI still needed to absorb all the anonymous data we collected from Microsoft Azure. We then immediately pitched it in the afternoon. You can see our 10-minute pitch down here 👇.
Overall, we didn't win the Makeathon, but we learned a lot about making better product and thinking in long term for business plan. I think, these were hardest part for me to understand, since I come from traditional medical school. Here's a certificate to prove that I'm legit! 😊

2023 AI StartUp and AIM Events
Working at AI StartUp Internationally as Medical Student
Nothing beats practice after collecting so much information, knowledge, and discussions. My student job consisted mostly around building collaboration between the StartUp from Munich and Indonesian Hospitals. It felt very fulfilling, when we got one of the Indonesian Hospital's director to come to Munich and discuss the collaboration with us directly. This is where the international collaboration between AI MedTech StartUp in Munich, Germany, and Indonesian Hospitals grew. Hope this relationship will get stronger over time.
AIM Events from LMU/TUM
What I love the most in this year, I could visit many AIM – AI in Medicine – events and could ask the medical, business, and tech professionals directly with ton of questions regarding my future careers. Things I need to prepare for the future. I also learned, with time, all the struggles Germany and EU countries have from other countries like the USA and UK.
2024 OneAIM
I was thrilled to be the member of the organization that sparks my interest around AI in Medicine and MedTech generally. I'm mostly active in marketing and sometime helping others also in another departments and events. Let's see what we will bring this year. Follow our journey! 🙌🏼✨